Silas goes through phases where he is making incredible connections between ideas. He makes mental… Read the postConnections
At eight months, Petra is such a nice baby. She’s happy and mellow. The teething… Read the postPetra is 8 months old!
Lifted from JC’s facebook: Bed time…never a dull moment. Me — “Silas, why were you… Read the postSilas Says…
Where ever you are, I encourage you to check out some agro-tourism this summer. Many… Read the postLavender
We met up with Mom and Gary at one of those rinkydink small-town festivals. It… Read the postPony ride
Petra and Silas both got the giggles the other night. They were laughing and feeding… Read the postGiggles
I remember when I was three and my preschool class grew plants for Mother’s Day.… Read the postMother’s Day (belated)