When I tell people that I homeschool my kids, the response is often something like,… Read the postTerrific Tuesdays
I just realized I never posted Petra’s birthday interview. Due to a minor technical glitch,… Read the postVery Belated: Petra’s Birthday Interview
So now we’re in the last monthish of this strange pregnancy. Overall, I’m doing pretty… Read the postThe Final Countdown
A few months ago, when it was our turn for homeschool childcare swap (about which… Read the postGenerosity
I’ve been attending a fantastic women’s Bible study at my church on Wednesday mornings. They… Read the postIn which we don’t ever learn anything ever because we don’t do school.
I mentioned that JC and I decided to declare November “(K)Nopevember” and actively say “nope”… Read the postNopevember Update
Back before baby Silas was born, we tore out some hideous carpet, spent days on… Read the postCozy Woodland Nest
This year, our Christmas gift for the kids was the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and… Read the postChristmas at Hogwarts