We trick-or-treated with our usual crew, and they were, as always, on point. Silas and… Read the postHalloween, 2024
Silas did his first regular community theater show (that is, it was not an education… Read the postFun Home at ShenanArts
After much deliberation, Petra decided that she wanted to have a manekineko (luck cat) theme… Read the postManekineko Party
It’s sort of hard to believe she’s 12. In many ways, she’s still very much… Read the postPetra is 12!
I usually would post a birthday interview at the end of this, but I’m making… Read the postSilas is 14!
I love when something is just a win in all directions. Recently, my friend Ann,… Read the postA DC Win-Win
Show photos are by Adam Holmes Our little homeschool has had an accidental unit study… Read the postThe Orphanage at Studio Wayne
Silas went to a week of sleep-away camp for the first time. When people asked… Read the postCanoes and Color Wars