One of my favorite pictures from Silas’ first year is this one, taken by Rebekah… Read the postPlaytime in the Cherry Tree
Some new friends invited us to hike Friedly’s Gap. They were a bit taken aback… Read the postReckless Endangerment
Those little boogers are already playing together! I have to keep an eye on them,… Read the postSibling Harmony
This fall, JC and I finally got around to taking down the old duck pen.… Read the postConstruction Zone
For Halloween, I made a crown of maple leaves and went as a tree. Petra,… Read the postKing of the Forest
This week, one of my library selections for Silas was Where the Sidewalk Ends. As I… Read the postHug o’ War
We took Silas trick-or-treating at Halloween on the Square today. He loved it, although he… Read the postWings
When you ask someone for their favorite parenting tip, they don’t come up with the… Read the postFavorite Parenting Tip