As traditional, we held an epic Easter egg hunt at our house this year.

As the children are getting older, we decided that they had to plan the whole thing. We gave them a budget, but they organized the invitations (an egg hunt in honor of Lyra’s 20th birthday!), the guest list (eighteen kids!!), and the prizes. JC hid the eggs so that our kids could participate in the hunt.

He did a good job hiding them. I’m sure we’ll be finding eggs every time we clear thorns for the rest of the year.
The grownups hunted trash, which was also pretty great. Our woods are the only windbreak around, and lots of garbage finds its way back here. Maybe next year, we’ll work a trash-picking-up aspect into the hunt.

They were pretty creative with the prizes—several “glow in the ducks”, seed bombs, dice, and, of course, plenty of candy. Post-hunt, they organized some kind of trading system so everyone ended up with the prizes they wanted (Silas wound up with literal pounds of dice. How many could he possibly need???).

James won the coveted “Golden Egg.” I think there was a rickroll QR code in there, and also this lovely ceramic kitty, which Petra contributed. It looks like our Lyra.

It was a successful and delightful egg hunt—although after seeing how much work it was, the kids decided that next year, we’re doing a “potluck” egg hunt. Should be fun!

Egg hunts, years prior:

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