In some ways, it’s hard to believe that Petra is already three months old, and in others, it’s hard to believe it’s only been three months. She completes our family, and I can hardly imagine us without her–already.
I’ve been amazed at her physical strength and motor development. I know you’re not supposed to compare siblings, but I can’t help it. I marvel every day at how very different they are from each other. Petra held her head up and turned it from one side to the other on the day she was born. I think that’s unusual for a brand-new baby. She can nearly sit up by herself. She loves to stand (supported, of course).

She’s just started gripping toys, and she’s very excited about it. I guess it’s time to give her the Golding Tightwad Spendthrift test.

JC said, “I’m glad you got a happy, interactive baby, this time.” I am, too. She loves to chatter and coo at us.

She adores Silas. We’re pretty sure she recognizes her own name, but we definitely see her light up when we mention Silas. He is great with her, except when he’s tired, loses all self-control, and pulls her hair.
I love getting her together with my friend’s son, who is a week and four hours older than she is. They smile and talk to each other, and my head explodes from the cuteness.

We spent a long time in West Virginia for the holidays. This was great, because we got to just hang out with people instead of running around and trying to stick to a schedule. I love seeing my parents with my kids.
The kids thought they were in seventh heaven, with grandparents to indulge them at every turn.
Petra got to meet three of her great-grandmothers.
One of them tried to get a picture with all six great-grandkids. Five out of six cooperating isn’t bad, right?

Petra was big enough for the reindeer bundler, and just in time! Silas wore this for his first Christmas, and my parents have photos of me in something very similar.

In other (related) news, we got a shiny new lens for Christmas.
It’s been a great month, other than the fact that I think Petra has started teething already–one way in which she and Silas are very much alike.
Here’s to 2013!
Your children are absolutely beautiful. It makes me happy to read your blog!
<3 I love reading your blog, too. It makes me feel a little less like you are a thousand miles away.