I had some qualms about our trip. I figured that, once we got there, anyway,… Read the postExploring Scottsdale
October was craaaazaaaay. My production of Cinderella happened, for one thing. That was a lot of… Read the postThe Big Trip
Welcome to the July 2014 Carnival of Natural Parenting: Family Vacation This post was written… Read the postTraveling Solo and Outnumbered
I know we’ve had some radio silence here on the bloggy. Long story, more details… Read the postA Big Trip
After years of struggling with the scheduling nightmare that is Christmas in a big family,… Read the postEarly Christmas
Silas took his camera to the beach. A few of the pictures came out pretty… Read the postSilas photography
We took Petra on her first camping trip last weekend. Well, sort of first–as Carlos… Read the postExpedition
We are the crazies who took a baby and a two-year-old to the American Visionary… Read the postAmerican Visionary Arts Museum