We went on a quick trip to West Virginia for JC’s grandmother’s 90th birthday party. It was a pretty quick there-and-back-again kind of adventure. We enjoyed getting to see the family.

Our kids always enjoy getting to hang out with JC’s cousins’ kids. Even though it had been a long time since they saw Sammy and Sophie, they fell right into playing with them, exploring the assisted living facility, climbing on things that shouldn’t be climbed, somehow getting very messy, doing puzzles, playing MadLibs, attempting “Truth or Dare…”

They argued about whether the stuffed turkey was real or not. Petra and Sophie thought it was, Sammy thought it was fake. Silas thought just the head was fake.
What do you think?

I wish I had been able to chat with Nanny more, but she was mobbed by her adoring fans. She’s a popular lady. We’re lucky that our children have had the opportunity to know some of our grandparents, and we don’t take that for granted.
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