Everyone else did their decade round-ups a few weeks ago, but I’m always slow (before you say, “But it’s not a new decade until 2021 because there wasn’t a year zero,” click here).
I have been thinking about it, though. Ten years seems like such a long time, and also no time. In my family life, ten years is huge.

I’ve spent fully half of the past decade pregnant or nursing, which is kind of mindblowing. At the beginning of this decade, I was pregnant for the first time, but didn’t know it. I’ve made three humans who didn’t exist before, and welcomed them all into the world in my little cottage. Twice as many people live in my house as did at the beginning of the decade, as well as double the number of permanent cats.
Rebecca Girvan Photography, April 2010 January 2019
I’ve taught two tiny humans to eat with a fork and read and do long division and care for animals.

We welcomed and wept this sweet pupper (I got teary just looking at these pictures), as well as a bunny, and countless ducks and chickens.

This adorable child turned into a young man. He’s waiting to hear back on his college applications, and I just can’t even.
Photo by Tiffany Showalter Photography
Our house has changed a lot. We have renovated nearly all of the rooms, except the kitchen and Silas’ bedroom. JC and I have laid a lot of flooring, to the point where we’re nearly good at it.

We’ve learned the things that are just not worth DIY (doors. Trust me, you have a door problem, call a professional). The house is even a different color–it was brown forever, but I painted it green last summer, and I love it.

I’ve cut and donated my hair twice in ten years.

Ten years in the scope of my work life, though, doesn’t feel like it’s all that long, or that there’s that much change.
Ten years ago, I was working at Rosetta Stone, and having a good time in the intersection of science, engineering, and art. I’m still working in tech and in theater, and having a great time doing both.
Ten years ago, I was nearly done with my MFA, and was in rehearsal for Love’s Labour’s Lost at EMU. I’ve had the privilege of working with some of these students on other shows since then. I’m still in touch with most of them, and so excited to see them growing up.

I’ve directed 21 shows in ten years, not counting remounts and staged readings. I’ve made new artistic partnerships, and deepened long-standing ones. I’m working at many of the same theaters that I was back then, although I’ve been lucky enough to develop some new partnerships, too.
Julius Caesar, Pigeon Creek Shakespeare, 2009 Antony and Cleopatra, Pigeon Creek Shakespeare, 2019
I’ve grown and developed as an artist and a person. In many ways, my work is very different. But in many ways, it’s not so different after all. This decade, it’s time to try defying gravity. Wish me luck.
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