Petra is four months old

It’s been a busy month, and apparently I haven’t had the camera out much. Petra slept through the night, hit her four-month sleep regression, got through it, and started working hard on her bottom front teeth. Which is to say that sleep has been all over the place…everywhere but consistent. I’m getting a good night here and there, and I’m grateful for those.

Petra has reached the stage of being interested in the world around her. I can’t eat and nurse her at the same time, because she wants to watch me eat. Unless she’s in the carrier and tucked down so she can’t see out very well, she won’t just conk out anywhere any more. Although these changes are inconvenient, they are also exciting. Petra loves to look at people, especially babies.

Petra and Arthur (a friend exactly a week older than she is) just love staring at each other. When they catch sight of each other, they wiggle and squeal until we bring them together.

Petra is now able to put a toy in her mouth and chew on it to relieve the teething pain. She’s close to chewing on her toes. Another week of baby yoga should get her there.

I’m excited to see what the next month holds for her (and I’ll remember to get the camera out more).


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