Pepperbroni! Do you like bronies with your pepperonis? Mama, that’s not a thing. **** Playing… Read the postSilas says…
Silas upset the other children at preschool. Why were your friends angry? We were pretending… Read the postSilas says…
Mama, will you pretend to nurse my dolly? Why don’t you pretend to nurse her? Because I… Read the postSilas says…
while playing in the bath with glowsticks Petra is being Darth Maul and I’m being… Read the postSilas says…
Mama, you be Elisabeth, and I’ll be Elisabeth’s daddy, and Petra can be James, and… Read the postSilas says…
Daddy, let’s play “Peter and the Wolf”! Can I be the grandfather and go back… Read the postSilas says…
“I’m digging for buried treasure!” What kind of treasure are you hoping to find? “A… Read the postSilas says…