Silas pulls his hair so it stands straight up. Look, I’m putting my hair up… Read the postSilas Says…
The moms in my head are at war. One mom says, “Arsenic! Lead! Bad things!… Read the postI know I shouldn’t let him do this…
Silas spent last weekend with my mom and step-dad, playing in the new splash fountain… Read the postPut… ze candle… *back*!
Just a few items this week… Mama Congo writes about “Shaking the Invisible Air Baby”–how… Read the postWeekend Reading
I don’t remember what age Silas was when he seemed to understand what exactly I… Read the postBook Larva
The other night, I was rocking Petra to sleep (and getting nowhere) and suddenly Silas… Read the postUgly Baby
Petra won’t always be a baby. Someday she’ll be big, like you. And then she… Read the postSilas Says…