Portugal is known for its sardines (apparently? I did not know this until we were actively going there). In Lisbon, there’s a circus-themed store where you can buy fancy sardines and other canned seafood. They call it El Mundo Fantastico del Sardhina, but we call it Wheel! Of! Fish!
…because they have a sardine Ferris wheel, which actually moves.

When I say circus-themed, that’s exactly what I mean. The staff dress like ringleaders. It might as well be in a big top.
There’s also a fishy throne, which is pretty irresistible.
They offer a huge selection of canned seafood, with tins designed by Portuguese artists. Some of them feature years, with the particularly notable events of that year (so we all found our birth years and marveled at the factoids the designers had chosen to highlight).
Silas ended up buying some gifts for his friends here; the rest of us were just happy to soak in the atmosphere.
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