This poem was written by a 15th-century monk. I’m a big fan of putting party-poopers in “the stockees.”
Also, no wonder the Puritans were opposed to Christmas!
by James Ryman
Make we mery, both more and lass,
For now is the time of Cristymas.
Let no man cum into this hall,
Grome, page, nor yet marshall,
But that some sport he bring withal,
For now is the time of Cristmas.
If that he say he can not sing,
Some other sport then let him bring
That it may please at this festing,
For now is the time of Cristmas.
If he say he can nought do,
Then for my love ask him no mo,
But to the stokees then let him go,
For now is the time of Cristmas.
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